Book Five: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix: Coming out June 21st!
A main character dies (not Harry, Ron, or Hermione). Maybe Ginny or Dumbledore
You see Lupin and a lot of other old characters in book five. Book five will be very scary. Harry finds out a lot of things he hasn't stubbled across before. The Dursleys are in the next book and there is stuff coming that people might not expect. You may see a little more of Mungundus and there is a new sorting hat.
There will be a female Dark Against the Arts teacher.
Why do some wizards/witches become ghosts and others don't You'll find out.
Harry will talk to the real Mad-Eyed Moody.
You'll find out all about Mrs. (Arabella) Figg in this book.
In Book 5 we go into a whole new area, physically, an area we have never seen before, a magical world.
It will be a third longer than the forth book, but it is only 700 and something pages. You see... they are going to use MUCH smaller print!
Ginny Weasley is a much bigger role in book five.
In book five, Harry has to examine exactly what death means, in closer ways.
“The crawl line on CNN Headline News showed the report of a "major death" in Book 5. No details given, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's Dumbledore - the guess (and it's only a guess) is based on the real life death of actor Richard Harris. Pity if it is." OH NO!!!!!! I got that off another and this is horrible!
Quotes:"It is time," Dumbledore said, "for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry.Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything"
It is very important when Dumbledore says, “You have to choose between what is right and what is easy." This is the setup for the next three books. Harry, Ron, and, Hermione are all going to have to choose. But, remember, what is right is not always easy, and what is easy is often not right.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie Coming to VHS and DVD in April!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! It will be out in time for Easter... if you celebrate Easter! I absolutely NEED to get it the day it comes out! I fell out of my chair with excitement when I heard how soon it is coming out! Everyone... you NEED to own a copy! If you don't... you are REALLY missing out! Wow! The new book and the new movie